Le Fini

Le Fini
Bienvenue en France

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Kremlin - Karzan - Tatarstan

Visiting 'The Kremlin" - Karzan in Tatarstan 1-8-2011
This would have to be a 'Jewel in the Crown' for any city.A
medieval walled city.

'Ivan the Terrible' built a tower 7
stories high to show his love to a woman who didn't love him
but agreed to marry him if the tower was built in 7 days.
She ran up the tower and threw herself off, so a sad ending.
You will note the tower is not vertical, so may have had some
overhang !.
We found more cabages in the flower gardens !.

There is oil in the provinces as we passed the pumps
along the road.

The drive thru to H Novogrov was uneventful save for a lot of
trucks. We had lunch at a roadside cafe and had soup and
rissols and potato-mashed.

Now on the Volga River, where the hotel staff wear sailor suits !!. Had to register again, so hope to get away asap in the morn.

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