Le Fini

Le Fini
Bienvenue en France

Thursday, August 11, 2011

2011-8-10 & 11 at Tallinn-estonia to Vilinus in Lithuania

2011-8-10 & 11 at Tallinn-estonia
Had a rest day in the St Olav Hotel, a deceptively large hotel.
Tremendous rain outside, so good to be in.
Then walked up the hill to embassy row, who wouldn't want to be a
diplomat here. Quaint old village, gateway to Scandinavia and
Russia and Europe.
Everyman and his dog cluttering up the streets getting the pic.
The light wasmuted as the sun was hiding behind a big white cloud
which wasn't moving.
Then, I saw this 'madona', a shop assistant having a few moments
to herself, with a pensive look of ignoring the horde and leaning
on a wall, a memorable face, so no photo, a redhead too !.

Next morning Thursday we leave for Vilinus in Lithuania, passing
thru Latvia. Torrential rain, making streering difficult as the
flooded road hides the wheel tracks made by the trucks very deep
and causing aquaplaning.
We come accross an accident and think there's a car there
somewhere, traffic banks up for miles and not helped by roadworks.
serious agriculture in the region, modern equipment and silos and
grain for miles too.Much of the heading is done and now ploughing
in the stubble.
Stock trucks seen along with local Constablary doing their thing.
The countries here have three languages and currency so difficult
to read signs and pay bills.
We bought fuel before we ran out as no stations for miles, and
then visted a local motel/aeroclub with a small display of
fighters. We notive a small walled cemetry close by but didn't
visit. These lowland are made for war, flat and many copses.
We saw cows grazing but realised they were tethered. Later on they
were roaming behind a hiway perimeter fence.
Found our way into Vilinus down a large hill and accross the

river. The old town where we had tea had great food and lighting

Pigs to market

got you !
on its buildings. the local plods on those wheelie things.

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