Le Fini

Le Fini
Bienvenue en France

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

overnight in Tulun-19-7-11 Tuesday

tues heading west 410 km-19-7-11
Left Irkutsk, after chatting to Sunshine Coast ladies escaping Kiwis jumping ditch for the winter.

leaving in fog

Huge pastoral lands here fields of potato,corn, wheat, rape seed?, may be red clover?.
Lovely villages in wooded areas, and cultivated fields between the copses.
The wheat stretched for miles, beautiful rolling country.
Massive communication towers above the endless silver birch and pine forests in the flat lands.
People on roadside selling berries from their buckets, seemingly in the middle of nowhere.
lots of kids on bikes at the towns, flocks of geese.
However no stock obvious, though we did see old animal shelter-like buildings, probably still used, we saw tractors out ploughing and hay raking.

a few days ago we saw a lada towing a rake with a guy in the back releasing the load periodically.
We saw people sything and raking hay by hand in the middle of huge fields and at edges, maybe locals scavaging.
Saw a beautiful russian ortodox church but too close to get full picture.

Lots of big rivers and some new bridges,and some under construction. Saw survey -engineers with total stations  doing hiway work.
The exit from Irkutsk was straight forward with Greg taking us to old hotel where the touring notes started and exited without incident.
This time we followed the M53 not M55, the distant milage was 1050 km  which we knocked off 400 odd today.
We`arrived at 3:30pm and went for a wander and muggins got ripped off in the lollie shop, nice pigeon eggs however.
Changed some US$ in local bank, got 27.88 RR/$ which is OK.
The others wandered and I found them in the Supermarket as we're having T in greg's room at 6, then early start in am as 700+Km to go
followed by a bigger day 900+ following, then a few rest days.
This hotel has no aircon or internet, so a bit stiffling, had a shower and writing to you guys while I wait to go to T.

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